Devletin kaderi art?k parmaklar?n?n ucunda! Ba?kanl?k saray?ndan ?a?r? var! Devletin sorunlar?yla ilgilenip uzun y?llar iktidarda kalabilecek misin? yoksa sende tarihin tozlu k??elerine mi terk edileceksin? Kararlar?n? ver ve ülkenin gelece?ini sen belirle! +Kartlar? sa?a ve sola atarak kararlar?n? ver! +Kaderin sana getirdikleriyle ba? et ve her kesimi dengede tur! +ülkene kar?? gelen tehditleri savu?tur ve halk?na hizmet et! +Ger?ek bir ba?kan gibi y?net! The fate of the state is now at your fingertips! There's a call from the presidential palace! Will you deal with the problems of the state and stay in power for many years? Or are you going to be left in the dusty corners of history? Make decisions and determine the future of the country! + Throw the cards to the right and left to make their decisions! + Strike your fate with what you bring, and balance every segment! + Defeat the threats against your country and serve your people! + Manage like a real president!