
Create and share plays. Basketball Dood is a must have application for basketball coaches. A great clipboard or playbook application, it allows users to touch and move players around on a court and then layer on doodles and text. Once happy with the image, users can then save image. Saving a series of player positions can also be used to make animations that can be shared. Can be used on phone or tablet, buy once!Paid features- no adsFeatures:- quick play area transitions or use multitouch to position court- move players, add pylons, refs and a ball- save/share images & animations- add text and move it around- various doodles such as arrow line or dotted linePlease email me for support or feature requests: info@sportsdood.comhttp://www.sportsdood.com/(post images and animations to the user forum)Visit Sportsdood.com:- Training / How-to videos- Web-based animation viewer- Download Free Windows Video Maker sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=152ONnfy_WM&feature=youtu.beKeywords: strategy, coach, playbook, play, book, clipboard, drills, plays, player positions, doodle, basketball 更新內(nèi)容: 修復(fù)了一些BUG。