導(dǎo) 第1頁(yè): 展開(kāi) 《彩虹六號(hào)圍攻》的最新DLC血蘭花行動(dòng)就要和廣大玩家們見(jiàn)面了,接下來(lái)小編給大家?guī)?lái)的是《彩虹六號(hào)圍攻》血蘭花行動(dòng)更新內(nèi)容說(shuō)明,跟小編一起來(lái)先睹為快吧。 賽季的皮...


























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§ Fixed – Pingingsomething through smoke will cause the ping effect to be placed in the smoke.

§ Fixed – Drone can sometimes bounce and fly outside of the mapwhen thrown.

§ Fixed – The length of the replay camera is sometimes too short.

§ Fixed – Glass debris block shots.

§ Fixed – Some throwable objects are able to pass throughelectrified wire without taking damage.

§ Fixed – Players are sometimes unable to vault over otherplayer’s deployable shields.

§ Fixed – Players that go prone while falling do not make anynoise. This should help with drop-shotting through hatches.

§ Fixed – Players are unable to scan enemies with a friendly droneafter theirs is destroyed during the Preparation phase.

§ Fixed – Players are able to clip through walls through the useof an exploit involving another players.

§ Fixed – Shield Operators can become invisible after performingmultiple specific animations.

§ Fixed – Players will sometimes stop mid-air while vaulting.

§ Fixed – Shield Operator are interrupted by an enemy performing amelee attack at the same time as the Shield Operator performs a melee attack.(To clarify, the shield break animation will no longer be triggered when bothplayers are performing melee attacks at the same time.)

§ Fixed – Recoil pattern for the USP40 handgun is incorrect.

§ Fixed – Defenders are able to utilize window sills to spawnkill.

§ Fixed – Tearing down a barricade from a window that hasadditional wooden parts will not destroy the window’s additional parts.

§ Fixed – Players that join a match in progress will see theprimary weapon drawn on other players, regardless of what the other playercurrently has drawn.

§ Fixed – Fall damage is not taken if the player fires at the timeof impact.

§ Fixed – Microwaves have unbreakable glass, blocking gadgets frombeing placed inside.

§ Fixed – Frame of a Black Mirror cannot be destroyed by X-KAIROSpellets if the glass has been ejected.

§ Fixed – Invisible gadget and broken animation is sometimespresent for players joining a match in process while a teammate has any gadgetready to deploy in their hands.

§ Fixed – Walls that are melee hit and last attachment shot beforewall is destroyed leaves wall's collision still present.

§ Fixed – Enemies can be killed through walls with a melee attack.

§ Fixed – The camera position of a player rappelling and leaningis not in line with the character model, which can create cases where theplayer is not visible to someone he is shooting inside a building.

§ Fixed – Breaching charges can be seen clipping throughbarricades when standing on the other side.

§ Fixed – Breaching charge cannot be deployed on framed window ifit was partially damaged.

§ Fixed – Flash effects can affect a player from opaque side of aBlack Mirror if a stun grenade fell between the walls.

§ Fixed – Destruction does not replicate properly after joining amatch in progress.

§ Fixed – Bullet tracers are not consistent between first andthird person view.

§ Fixed – Sometimes reloading doesn't actually reload the weapon,even though the animation plays.

§ Fixed – The Defuser falls out of the world if dropped while thecarrier is prone near the door concrete step at EXT Construction Site inOregon.

§ Fixed – Only the wood trim of windows on Bartlett break when adrone jumps into them but not the glass.

§ Fixed – The Defuser cannot be placed on the bomb site afterpartially destroying the floors.

§ Fixed – It is sometimes possible to shoot through thedestructible walls/floor/ceiling beams through the indestructiblefloor/ceiling/objects.

§ Fixed – Switching from a unique gadget to a secondary gadgetdoesn't unequip the unique gadget.

§ Fixed – Drones can clip all partial destructible floors ifthrown from prone position.

§ Fixed – Holding down shift while mid-air prevents single fireweapons from shooting.

§ Fixed – Players can skip cinematic once he returned toThatcher's loadout menu

§ Fixed – Placing a claymore on the location where the MVP screentakes place will result in glitched animations at the end of the match.

§ Fixed – Multiple animation appear when shooting any weapons inany replay or End of round when it should not.

§ Fixed – A player can set a shield in a doorway, barricade it,destroy part of it and eject himself into the walls.

§ Fixed – Operators make a 180 degree spin when placing a BreachCharge on the floor while sprinting.

§ Fixed – Walls partially destroyed with shotguns or throwableexplosives generate inconsistent vaulting prompts.

§ Fixed – Prompt button to drop the Defuser appear onscreen of theplayer reviving his teammate.

§ Fixed – Dead bodies can block claymores movement sensor.

§ Fixed – In some maps, Claymores can be placed while rappellingwith a broken animation.

§ Fixed – Belt fed LMGs benefit from the +1 round of a tacticalreload.

§ Fixed – The wrong team wins if the last defender is killed inthe last second of the match.

§ Fixed – While carrying the hostage you can mount the Tachanka'sLMG without dropping the hostage.

§ Fixed – Entering the rappel animation will not cancel reloadi.jpg the magazine is empty.

§ Fixed – When a defender is firing at an attacker with aballistic shield, bullet decals can appear on a second operator’s BallisticShield glass.

§ Fixed – Sometimes the bomb is not registered as detected byattackers or by their drones. Either it takes longer than expected or it willnot be detected at all.

§ Fixed – Joining an in-progress game on a player who is pickingup and dropping the hostage can result in the hostage position not beingreplicated properly.

§ Fixed – Operators can have shots appearing to come from the guntip in 3rd person, even if the shots in 1st person are shot from the faceheight. This can cause replays to show each shot fired by a player with theirgun obstructed to show all misses and hit the obstruction.

§ Fixed – Main weapon becomes invisible in support mode if aplayer deploys a gadget right after joining in progress message is displayed.

§ Fixed – When joining an in progress game, players can seeTwitch’s hand empty when she has her drone in her right hand and is deploying.

§ Fixed – In rare occasions, the debris of a barricade may remainfloating in the air during the end of round or death replay. The issue is notlimited by barricades destroyed by explosives and can occur on any destroyedbarricade.

§ Fixed – Closing the game completely while in Operator Selectcauses players to see Spectator, GAMESERVER, left the game error messages.

§ Fixed – Legs will go through walls when moving back and forth ina corner.

§ Fixed – Wall reinforcements debris float after destruction.

§ Fixed – Scanning Defenders with Drones does not always result inidentifying them.

§ Fixed – Players will sometimes be displaced a small distanceafter spawning.

§ Fixed – When creating a Custom Game with the maximum number ofmaps the user will receive the wrong error message.

§ Fixed – An enemy operator can appear as a 2D texture whenapproaching broken walls or vaulting over windows. No more interdimensionaltravel, Monty.

§ Fixed – The destruction made to barricades before joining inprogress is not replicated for the clients in support mode.

§ Fixed – Camera does not always properly align with the headwhile leaning.

§ Fixed – If a player disconnects when using Tachanka’s LMG, itwill create a desync between the gadget and the server.

§ Fixed – Dropping from a height and deploying a gadget will causeplayers to get stuck in the animation.


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