英文 |
中文 |
#BeMorePirate |
更多的幫手 |
A Titanic Ensemble |
鐵達尼樂團 |
Aye of Reach |
贊成票的權利(直譯致遠星的贊同票,可能是致敬致遠星) |
Become Pirate Legend |
成為航海王的男人 |
Black Powder Merchant |
黑火藥愛好者 |
Blundarrrrbuss |
喇叭叭叭叭槍~ |
Bone-Cronch |
骨頭咯吱響 |
But You Have Heard of Me |
但你聽說過老子吧 |
Colourful Sails |
色彩斑斕的帆 |
Dead Pirates DO Tell Tales |
死海盜真能講故事 |
Did Everyone See That |
有人看見那個嗎? |
Friends Not Foe |
別開槍,是友軍 |
Full Bllow |
揚帆起航 |
Gilded Merchant |
鍍金商人 |
Golden Voyager |
黃金遠航者 |
Handbrake Turn |
手剎過彎 |
Hoarder of Barnacled Gold |
藤壺金貯藏者 |
Hoarder of the Captain's Gold |
船長黃金的貯藏者 |
Hold My Grog |
拿好我的酒 |
How Appropriate! You Fight Like a Chicken |
真應景??!你打起架來像只弱雞 |
Hunter of Cursed Captains |
詛咒船長追獵者 |
I Am Not Obsessed With Treasure |
我沒癡迷財寶 |
I Don't See Your Ship |
我沒看見你的船 |
I Wanna Be a Pirate |
我想成為一名海盜 |
Ignoring the Rules of Engagement |
忘了交戰(zhàn)法則吧 |
I'll Drink to That |
我十分贊同 |
In Good Company |
吾道不孤 |
It's a Pirate's Life for Me |
這是我的海盜人生 |
Keeper of a Glittering Hoard |
亮晶晶寶庫看守者 |
Kraken Good Job |
好樣的克拉肯?。↘raken是北海巨妖,巨型八爪魚) |
Laden With Treasure |
滿載寶藏 |
Legends - Cronch |
傳奇-咯吱咯吱 |
Legends - The Skullduggers |
欺詐者(?) |
Legends鈥_The Greatest Race in History |
史上最偉大的比賽 |
Legends鈥_This is Unacceptable |
這忍不了了 |
Master Gold Hoarder |
大師黃金囤積者 |
Master Hunter of Villainous Skulls |
邪惡骷髏追獵大師 |
Master Merchant |
大師商人 |
Master of the Order |
密令大師(?) |
Mercenary of the Ancient Order |
只是為了遠古密令的財寶 |
Merchant Adventurer |
冒險愛好者 |
Merchant Forager |
尋寶愛好者 |
Merchant Voyager |
遠航愛好者 |
Now Bring Me That Horizon |
現(xiàn)在,帶我航向天際?。永毡群1I臺詞) |
On a Whole New Adventure |
一個全新的冒險 |
Perfect Dark |
完美黑暗(應該是致敬《完美黑暗》,之前rare的作品) |
Sailor of the Gold Horizon |
黃金地平線的水手 |
Sailor of the Merchant Alliance |
商人聯(lián)盟的水手 |
Sailor of the Whispering Bones |
耳語骨頭的水手(?) |
Seeker of Lost Maps |
失落地圖探尋者 |
Seeker of Lost Souls |
失落靈魂探尋者 |
Self-Entitled |
自我良好 |
Shopping for a Promotion |
鳥槍換炮,為買而買 |
Tactical Chunder |
嘔。。。 |
Taking Orders |
遵命 |
Voyager of Lost Souls |
失落靈魂遠航者 |
What Shall We Do With a Drunken Sailor |
我們能拿一個醉鬼怎么辦呢 |
When You're a Professional Pirate |
當你成為一個職業(yè)海賊 |
You Can Always Trust the Untrustworthy |
你總是相信那些靠不住的家伙 |
You Fight Like a Merchant |
你打起架來像海上運貨的 |