
Live up-to-the-minute sports scores. The scores refresh every 15 seconds. You can currently view scores for the NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB. Sports scores is a very light-weight application, and loads scores very quickly. You can also check league standings, and schedules. This application is currently ad supported, but am willing to create an ad free version if there are requests for it. I would greatly appreciate constructive comments about the app. 活到了分鐘的體育成績。分數(shù)刷新每15秒。目前,您可以查看分數(shù)為NFL,NHL,NBA,美國職棒大聯(lián)盟。 體育比賽分數(shù)是一個非常輕量級應用程序,并加載分數(shù)非???。您還可以查看聯(lián)賽積分榜,和日程安排。 此應用程序是目前廣告支持,但我愿意制作廣告的免費版本,如果有它的要求。我將不勝感激有關的應用程序的建設性意見。