1. 對源氏:
半藏:我們本可以一起創(chuàng)造一個帝國。(We could have built an empire together.)
源氏:那曾是你的夢想,不是我的。(That was your dream, not mine.)
2. 對源氏:
半藏:你以為你比得上我?(Think you can do better than me?)
源氏:我很確定。(I am certain of it.)
3. 對源氏:
半藏:你成不了大器。(You will never amount to anything.)
源氏:等著看吧,哥哥。(We shall see, brother.)
4. 對源氏:
源氏:現(xiàn)在改變還不算遲,哥哥。(It is not too late to change your course, brother.)
半藏:你錯了,弟弟。我已經(jīng)無法贖罪了。(You are mistaken, brother. I am beyond redemption.)
5. 對源氏:
源氏:怎么了,半藏?認不出我了?(What's wrong, Hanzo? Don't you recognize me?)
半藏:我弟弟死了,是我親手殺了他的。(My brother is dead. I killed him with my own hands.)
6. 對“狂鼠”:
半藏:你把財寶藏在哪兒了?你應該不會藏在身上。(Where did you hide your treasure? You could hardly have it on your person.)
“狂鼠”:財寶?呃...我當然不知道你在說什么了……(Treasure? Uh... sure I don't know anything you're talking about...)
7. 對“黑百合”:
半藏:哪天我們來賭一把,是我的弓快還是你的槍更快。(I would take my bow against your rifle any day.)
“黑百合”:好啊,那將是你犯的最后一個錯誤。(That would be the last mistake you ever made.)
8. 對“黑百合”:
“黑百合”:黑爪可以重建你父親的帝國。(Talon could restore your family's empire.)
半藏:但代價是什么?(But at what cost?)
9. 對禪雅塔:
禪雅塔:我在你的身上感受到了一股憤怒,這股憤怒曾經(jīng)吞噬了你的弟弟。(I sense within you the same rage that once consumed your brother.)
半藏:我們一點也不像。(We are nothing alike.)
10. 在花村:
半藏:這里曾是我的家,但現(xiàn)在……不再是了。(This was once my home. No longer.)
11. 在花村:
半藏:沒時間玩游戲了。(No time for games.)
12. 在花村:
半藏:島田家的主人回來了。(The master of the Shimada clan has returned.)
13. 在花村:
半藏:這里所有的一切曾經(jīng)都屬于我。(All of this was to be mine.)
14. 在努巴尼:
半藏:流浪至此,并非我的本意。(My wanderings brought me to this place. It was not to my liking.)
15. 擊殺源氏:
半藏:就像小時候那樣。(Just as when we were boys.)
16. 擊殺源氏:
半藏:你永遠都不是我的對手。(You were never my equal.)